Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Why I do what I do.

Ok this is a post that has no pattern in it. It will explain why I pack shoeboxes and why I have such a passion for this ministry.

1) I am doing what God has commanded me to do.
 Along with their shoebox every child will also receives a small booklet that is an introduction to Jesus and the Bible. Then after they have opened the box they have the choice to take a 12 week discipleship training course (" The Greatest Journey"). Upon completing the course they will get a certificate, and a New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs.
            Matthew 28:19
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
2) I will never be able to reach so many by myself. There is no way I could reach so many souls. One shoebox will have some kind of an impact on as many as 10 people not just the child but their family, village, school, country.

3) It is a family affair. My Daughter (Deborah), Son (David), Husband (David) and my mother are all year around volunteers. My Sister and her dear friend (my "adopted" sister) also help when they come to visit. Time is never spent any better a way that working for the Lord.

4) The team that I work with (Bridgeport/Clarksburg WV Area Team) is amazing. They are like a family. What else can I say. They have come together for a cause and they work together like a well oiled machine, that prays, praises and stands in amazement of what God is doing.

5) I can serve!!!!!!!! God can use me as I am!!!!!!!!! I can't sing!!!!!!!LOL Seriously, I have look for and tried so many ministries. This is one where I can be me, do things I love to do, Pray for all I am worth, and just stand back and watch God work.

This little girl. She is the precious little one that God picked for Deborah to give her box to on her trip to the Philippines. Her name is Anna, she lives at Vision of Hope in Manila. Please pray for her and the rest of the Children all around the world that get shoeboxes.
How else can I, an over the hill woman, in West Virginia, who has several physical problems reach out to someone in a country across the world? This is why I pack shoeboxes. Praise GOD HE can use ME!!!!!!!

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